The power of US Team!
The power of US Team!
In the last 4 years, our company has seen a strong development in our MICE segment, mainly as this is the key purpose we wrote in our Painted Picture in 2012. We are very proud of reaching this important goal and being one of the leading DMCs in Germany, specialized in Meetings and Incentives in Munich and Berlin.
Nevertheless, the main pillars of our company (Petra, Conny and Wiebke) are giving continuity to this project and to our clients, and at the same time embrace and direct our growth and expansion in clients, employees and experiences, integrating the new team members joining our US TEAM.
The key of our success lies in the strength and teamwork of our US TEAM. When operating a project with us, either big or small, first you officially get assigned a Project Manager, which depending on the complexity of your needs, will receive planning and execution support of other team members. As Managing Director, I am on top of each and all projects and exchange regular updates with the Project Managers throughout the planning process, and also act as back support, fireman and maid (when needed) until the end of the project.
In our company, your event, trip, dinner or conference does not belong to a specific team member, but to the US TEAM. Therefore, you should not be surprised to see all of us (including myself, of course) at a registration desk, at the airport receiving guests or in the afternoon pre-checking restaurants during large medical conferences.
For your next project in Germany, trust the US TEAM and rest assured that there is a strong teamwork behind each of the services that we provide, starting by the first brainstorming and ending with the final invoice.
If you want to meet the US TEAM, please click here!
Written by Marina Parra-Flechsig